2014 m. sausio 9 d., ketvirtadienis


One of my classmates, Živilė, proposed an idea of creating a choir. She and a couple others organised the activity and a lot of us happilly joined in. We started out slowly, rehersing a couple of Christmas songs and then we started preparing for a charitable event our school holds in winter- the Pies' Day.

We started meeting up during lunch break's and after lessons, according to our vocals and had a joint practise on Fridays after school.

It was challenging to adapt to everybody's schedule and work efficiently, under the supervision of our own classmate, but this aspect helped us learn the necessary respect and order to produce presentable results. We worked intensely on the songs we wanted to prepare for about two to three weeks before the event and finally were able to perform.

A picture from our rehersals:

And a picture from our performance at the Pies' Day event:

The choir is not a finished activity, as we are going to continue rehersing and are already planning the songs we want to sing next.

The experience I have had so far in the choir is very valuable in the sense of learning how to work with a team. As I mentioned before, I do prefer individual activities and this is exactly why I found that I have gained a lot from working together with my classmates to create this. I understood how much effort it takes to work on something together, especially when it is more than just a one time thing.

It also showed me how important it is to keep on doing something. It was probably the most challenging thing for Živilė to keep everyone motivated to come to the rehersals and try as hard as we can. However, the result of the effort we put in was satisfying enough to help me realise that continuing this activity was worth it.

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